Well Baby/Child Checkups & EPSDT exams

Well Baby or Child Checkups & EPSDT Exams
As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of treatment. In infancy, childhood and adolescence, this old saying could not be more true. Good physical and mental health is essential during a child’s development, in order that he or she is able to grow and learn normally. Childhood development, however, is a delicate journey and even the smallest of interruptions (due to physical, mental or developmental concerns) can derail a child’s course. For this reason, preventative care and well check appointments are recommended on a sternly set schedule for babies and children of all ages.
What Is a Well Check Exam?
Well check exams for both infants and children are an essential component of every child’s healthcare. During a well check appointment, a pediatrician provides preventative care (such as vaccinations) and assesses the child’s physical and mental health and developmental progress.
What Is an EPSDT Exam?

In 1967, congress introduced EPSDT exam requirements and provisions under Medicaid. EPSDT benefits are intended to provide children under the age of 21 who are enrolled in Medicaid with comprehensive preventative healthcare. These provisions ensure infants, toddlers, children and adolescents receive age-appropriate preventative medical care, mental healthcare, dental care, developmental assessment and special services when required.
What Do the Letters in ‘EPSDT’ Mean?
- Early – Children should receive an evaluation or diagnosis early.
- Periodic – Appointments should be performed at intervals designated by the child’s age.
- Screening – Health screening should include developmental, physical, mental, dental, hearing and vision to detect potential problems.
- Diagnostic – When potential health risks are identified, the appropriate follow-up diagnostic tests should be performed.
- Treatment – When diagnosed with a medical condition, children will have access to and receive appropriate treatment to cure, correct, control or mitigate the health problem.

Schedule Wellness Appointments for Your Child at Gulf Coast Health Center
Gulf Coast Health Center provides well baby appointments, well child check ups and EPSDT exams for children under the age of 21. Our pediatric physicians are highly trained and experienced in treating children of all ages – from infants and toddlers to adolescents, teens and all of the children in between. Do not overlook the importance of preventative care for your children. If your child is due for a wellness appointment, call one of our five convenient locations to schedule a pediatric exam right away.