Simple Reasons Why Wearing a Mask Works
Despite the mixed messages, we should all wear masks because they have been scientifically shown to help slow the spread of respiratory diseases such as COVID-19.
Even Happy People Can Benefit from Seeing a Therapist
Talking with a therapist can be incredibly useful for people who consider themselves to be happy, content, and mentally healthy. Therapists can help you set, recalibrate, and strategize to achieve intelligent and lasting goals for yourself.
Healthy Habits to Protect Yourself from COVID-19
With a healthy mind and body and smart sanitary practices, you can keep yourself and your family safe and healthy. Take these precautions to protect yourself from COVID-19.
Why Telehealth Has Become More Important Than Ever Before
During the COVID-19 crisis, telemedicine has become the champion of ongoing wellness care and chronic disease management because it allows patients, especially those who are considered to be high risk, to access medical care and keep in touch with their doctors without risking exposure to the novel coronavirus.
Coronavirus and Your Mental Wellbeing
The whole world is experiencing fears, worries, and changes to normal daily life that are unprecedented in our lifetimes. Not only are we having new anxieties, but many of us are unable to cope with the stress in the same ways we normally would, primarily by getting out of the house and spending time with loved ones.
Staying Healthy and Stopping the Spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Novel Coronavirus, officially called COVID-19, has arrived in Texas (track the state’s up-to-date case count by county here). With the spread of the highly contagious disease in our state, Gulf Coast Health Center wants to do everything we can to help keep our communities safe and healthy by raising awareness and preventing further transmission of this virus